
Showing posts from October, 2024


I'm not sure what the longterm impact of AI in our lives will be, but as someone who dabbles in all the arts and considers herself a writer, I'm alarmed at the possibilities. For now, most notable literary publications warn those seeking to have their writing featured in their pages not to submit AI-generated work. For now the tone is offended, defensive. For now. But of course, with enough presence and repetition, even the unimaginable tends to creep into our lives. A former classmate who writes scientific articles claims AI is really helpful with first drafts. I imagine it could be. But as regards art, the role of AI is dubious at best. Personally, I'm not aware of having read any AI generated fiction, although of course it's possible, given that it's already so much a part of our lives, and has been, even before many of us realized it, I am told. A well-known poet on my Facebook page posted an AI-generated poem written in her style. The AI version was ridiculousl