Since the depression about t's upcoming re-installment and 2025 in general is so thick among my friends and familiars in real time and online that even the best British Bake Off Series knife would not be able to cut through it, I've got a few literary suggestions that might help lift up the day, or at least ground it with hope and faith in our better qualities. Poetry: "The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry; "Starlings in Winter" by Mary Oliver Short story: "Love Letter" by George Saunders Memoir/essays: WHEN YOU ARE ENGULFED IN FLAMES and NAKED, both by David Sedaris I feel the journey into this year requires an extra push and this is mine. May we approach 2025 optimistically, doing the best we can in our given spheres to make life a little easier for everybody. In Tibetan Buddhism, Green Tara is the deity who removes obstacles and creates positive circumstances. Much like the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, Tara is there like a Mother for everyo...